Cyber Protection For Many Industries
Cyndú Cybersecurity operates in different industries, each one facing the unique challenges and threats that characterize it, and we are here for you.

Telecommunications companies/ISPs
One of the main concerns of Telecom companies is possible denial of service attacks (DDOS), these attacks not only affect their customers, but also create a huge consumption of resources affecting not only the attacked customers but also many times to the entire network. With Cyndú's DDOS solution it is possible to create complete networks protected from DDOs ​​with a collaboration and diversion system unique in the market.
Electricity, water, and energy companies control a large part of their networks with PLCs, this key piece is generally the most coveted resource by attackers, it is not enough to separate the OT network from the IT, it is necessary to verify that the PLC is emitting and receiving the correct signals and any anomalies must be detected in real time.

Financial sector
This sector is the most attacked today and it is necessary to have a reliable source of intelligence to anticipate attacks and in case the attackers are already recognizing the company network, detect them in real time and block them.
Government Sector
The different government sectors are constant targets of cyber-attacks, from information theft to espionage and through denial of service, the range of attacks on government has been increasing over time, Cyndú can implement different solutions, from intelligence system and hunting of threats up to protection of each computer and server in the organization and of course anti DDOS systems that will not depend on the bandwidth of the organization and not on the attack.

Small-Medium Business - SMBs
Small and medium-sized business, a segment neglected by large cybersecurity companies and that today are a very appetizing target since attackers estimate that it will be relatively easy for them to penetrate their network, with our SOC model adapted to this type of companies we can provide the same level of security as large companies but at a very affordable cost. In addition, with our internal deception systems we will be able to protect them against known and new threats that would go unnoticed by traditional antivirus.
Health Industry
This industry, one of the most vulnerable and in which an attack can put the lives of patients at risk. Attacks in which the personal data of customers are stolen and / or forced to pay large sums are very common, it is very important to defend the organization at the perimeter level but also at the endpoint level to ensure that no attacker has access to the Private information.

Building Management
(BMS - Building Management Systems)
In the era of connected and intelligent buildings, it must be taken into account that hackers are also connected and that is why it is very important to protect critical resources such as water, gas, electricity, etc. of buildings, actually part of the protection of a smart building could be thought of as the protection of a utility, so OT solutions that ensure that no hacker has changed the temperature of the air conditioning or created the conditions so that if there is a leak of gas, systems do not detect it .
Of course, constant monitoring of the building's network is critical, and the business model must be adapted to these types of clients.
These industries must always be one step ahead of the attackers since an interruption in manufacturing even for a short time can lead to millions of dollars in losses, additionally, there must be a good separation of the information network from the production network, such as In other segments, we recommend moving from a reactive protection method to a proactive protection method in which there is highly refined information on imminent threats and security controls can be activated in an optimized way.