Identity & Access Management
Login with a single key that can not fall into the wrong hands with our new way to login without usernames and passwords.
80% of hacking-related breaches are caused by stolen and reused credentials(Verizon).
Employees and partners get secure access to enterprise applications and services from anywhere - all from a single login.Our partners capability to eliminate the use of passwords means that there is no need for VPN protection to cloud-based applications.
Secure log in to an unlimited number of accounts and services without usernames and passwords
One login for all enterprise applications
Easy to revoke and recover - No need for extensive customer support infrastructure
Multi-factor authentication without usernames and passwords
All digital identities are stored in a number of datacenters. No single datacenter stores enough information to decrypt data.

Secure Document Management
Easy to manage usernames, passwords, notes, and files
Make the files sharing process with your teams and co-workers much safer and easier to perform.
For secure data sharing we use our client-side, end-to-end, multi-tier cryptographic key architecture.
To simplify it, the meaning is that we use security system that uses various components to defend multiple levels or operational layers.